No August 2020 AnimeSunday

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Jul 202020

ue to the outbreak of COVID-19, we will be cancelling AnimeSunday for August 2020.

Covid-19 is a significant societal issue, and we can, and should, all work to decrease the spread of the disease. This means:

Wearing a mask in public and when shopping to protect yourself and others.
Avoiding large groups and crowds
Canceling events
Working from home, if at all possible
Washing hands when coming and going from home, and frequently when out
Avoiding touching your face, especially when outside your home.

As we see various states and cities opening up ‘for business’, the infection numbers are still climbing. Stay Safe.

Do the Five things to prevent COVID-19

1 HANDS – Wash them often
2 ELBOW – Cough into it
3 FACE – Don’t touch it
4 SPACE – Keep safe distance
5 HOME – Stay if you can

 Posted by at 1:07 pm